Book Synopsis
This is the story of a twenty-five year old ranch horse that was injured and pretty much left to die. He was brought to a stable and sold, even though no one really expected him to survive. He was reborn into a merchant of hope. His amazing spirit and calmness have helped many people over the next 13 years as he became the most amazing mentor and therapy horse. This is Pie's story as he tells it about the most amazing second chance at life and his travels through it. You will meet his person, a shy young girl who he helps grow into adulthood. He will introduce you to the other horses and people who helped shape his journey. His influence has known no bounds throughout this last 13 years and he continues to shine his light even at the ripe old age of 38. This is a feel good story about life, love, second chances and giving back.
Author bio

Kandy Kay Scaramuzzo is a seventh generation Texan who has her own brick at The Cowgirl Museum. She has taught in alternative education for over twenty years. Ms.Scaramuzzo is a member of the 2012 Strathmore's Who's Who. She has a BA in Criminology and MAedCT. She works in horse, dog, cat and snake rescues. Ms. Scaramuzzo has been a tester observer for therapy dogs for nine years. She ran a therapy horse riding program for autistic children for five years. She has been a recognized animal behaviorist for over 20 years. This is her first book about an exceptional horse. She feels it is important to give back to maintain the balance of a civilized society.
Hi Kandy, Welcome to Booky Ramblings.
First off tell us a bit about yourself. I am an animal behaviorist in my spare time. I work full-time teaching social skills to teenagers in alternative schools. Animal rescue is one of my passions. The Cowgirl way of life is what I lead. I have my own personal brick at the Cowgirl Museum. In the past I have worked with Therapy Dogs as a tester/observer and have operated a therapeutic riding program for autistic children.
What inspired you to write your first book? I was inspired to write the book about Pie because he has such an amazing story and has had such an overwhelming influence on so many people in his lifetime. I felt his story needed to be shared.
What was one of the most surprising things you learned in creating your books? I was really surprised at how easily the words flowed once I started to write the book. It is like the book almost wrote itself.
How long does it take you to write a book? It took me about a year to get this book written.
Describe your main character, in 5 words. Valuable, Influential, Adored, Respected, Irreplaceable
What is your work schedule like when you’re writing? Since I have a full-time job, run a barn with six horses in it by myself and have a family, my writing schedule to say the least is sporadic. I have a million little pieces of paper lying around with things written on them . When I have the time, I gather them all up and put them together as a writing project. Someday , I will have to stream line that process, but for now it is what I have and it seems to work for me.
Do you have anything specific that you want to say to your readers? When and if you read Pie, An Old Brown Horse (That Knows What He Is Doing) please remember that he is the one telling the story and horses see things differently than people do
Which authors would you say inspired you to write? I would have to say the one author that had the most influence on me was Edgar Allen Poe. He doesn’t match the book I wrote, but I love the creative way the man’s mind worked.
What books did you read as a child? I read just about anything I could get my hands on as a child. I loved anything to do with nature or mysteries especially. I think I read every horse book in print as a child along with anything by Edgar Allen Poe.
Here are some random questions for you now.
If someone wrote your biography, what do you think the title should be? The Horse Diva
What book are you currently reading? Raised by Hand, Lifted by Tide by Willett Thomas
What is in your fridge right now? Honey Crisp Apples, RC Cola, and some of the most amazing strawberries I have ever seen.
Favourite Ice Cream flavour? Pecan Praline
Cats or dogs? I love them both
Pet Peeves? When did people stop teaching their children to chew with the mouths closed?
And finally, since I’m a little obsessed with the upcoming Zombie Apocalypse, your house is under attack and you only have time to grab 3 things, what do you grab? I assume you mean things other than family and pets. I would grab my Bowie Knife, Some antibiotics, and a coil of rope.
Kandy thank you for taking the time to do this interview.
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