Age of the Aura, Phase I: Champions of Power (SYNOPSIS)
Genre: Science Fiction (Space Opera)
The Blessed Galaxy has no other name. After being gifted with the Auras—five great powerhouses of celestial creation—the title was a suitable fit. For millennia, the governing bodies have ruled their respective reaches of the Galaxy while harnessing the might of the Auras. But now they face the threat of a calamity, from an unlikely source, that could shake the lives of all.
Lowen Sars, a devout man of science, decides to take on the burden of saving the Galaxy’s people once he learns of the calamity. But he soon realizes that the role of a hero was a calling not meant for him, even with his sudden promotion. In his process of self-discovery, Lowen begins the fateful saga of not only the Blessed Galaxy, but also the kingdom in possession of the corrupt Aura.
Read more behind the story! http://ageoftheaura.com/universe/
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Book Reviews for Phase I
The Indie Book Review
A Book So Fathomless - "3.5 out of 5"
Beth Art From the Heart - "4 out of 5"
Voracious Reader - "3 out of 5"
Sadie S Forsythe - "3 out of 5"
Nik's Picks - "4 out of 5"
Dee's Reads - "3 out of 5"
My Cozie Corner - "5 out of 5"
Confuzzled Books - "4 out of 5"
Cheryl's Book Nook - "4 out of 5"
The Guide to Good Books - "5 out of 5"
Paranormal Sisters - "3.5 out of 5"
Books With Leti Del Mar - "3 out of 5"
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