Tuesday 23 July 2013

Love Among the Pigeons Cover reveal and Giveaway

Pigeons feather front cover small


Love Among Pigeons by Abria Mattina

Publication Date: August 23rd 2013
Genre: YA Contemporary


In this companion novella to Wake, Frank invites the Kirk family home to Smiths Falls for Thanksgiving weekend. Holidays are always a trial for the family that lost their daughter and sister, but Frank is hopeful that this Thanksgiving will be the exception. He has some happy news to share. If only he wasn’t so reluctant to talk about it.

Pigeons feather jacket


Abria Mattina works in marketing and book production. She holds a Certificate in Publishing from the New York University Summer Publishing Institute and a degree in English Literature and Psychology from the University of Ottawa. When she isn’t writing she enjoys travelling, eclectic books, blogging, and baking. She lives with her fiance, Daniel.

Her debut novel, WAKE, is about the struggle to redefine life after experiencing cancer and caring for an ill loved one.

Author links:


For the chance to win a paperback ARC of the book click the rafflecopter link below.


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