Friday, 1 May 2015

Review:Bare Strength by Michael Stokes

Bare StrengthBare Strength is a photo book, a modern figure study of the male form - an edgy, artistic approach to the male nude with one chapter dedicated to United States Marine Veterans who lost limbs in the Middle East wars. This is Photographer Michael Stokes' second monogram followed by the success of his first photo book, Masculinity. With a social media following of over 250,000, his images have been shared and blogged by thousands of people around the world. His photos have appeared on The Today Show, Good Morning America, The View and The Tonight Show. He is best known for his work with nude, American soldier amputees, photos that have been banned by social media sites like Facebook and Instagram.

Shona's review 5 of 5 stars

I'll be honest and admit that until I stumbled upon one of Stoke's Photos on Facebook late last year I had never heard of him. I quickly became a fan of his work and was eager to have a copy of this book. A wish my husband fulfilled for my birthday.

The photos that Stokes shares on his social media doesn't really do this book justice, I found several of my favourite photos in this book and I'll be honest, with some I had to do a double take because they looked SO much different. There are some details that get lost in the little screen that just stand out when you have the print in front of you.

This is a wonderful mix of nudes, barely nudes, mostly clothed and faces... some of new favourites are the faces. Anyone can point and click a camera... but it takes great skill and artistic talent to produce the quality that's between these pages.

In short, I love this. And I've only had a quick look through. I look forward to getting lost between the pages again and again.


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