Dashing eventer Rory is ready to button up his breeches and settle down. His gorgeous wife, Lottie, wants a bank balance in the black so she can protect the beautiful family estate for future generations.
But with the wedding business at Tipping House going up in flames, and rumours that it was arson not accident, Lottie begins to wonder who she can trust with her future.
Tranquil Tippermere is under siege as movies moguls and insurance investigators invade the countryside, and as events gather pace rescue plans start to look too good to be true, and intentions may not be as honourable as they seem.
As a moody, but definitely marvellous, polo player enters the fray and squares up to the eventing hero of Tippermere, does Lottie stand to lose her husband as well as her home?
Shona's review 5 of 5 stars
As with all previous instalments in Stoneley's Tippermere series, there is a handy who's who of Tippermere at the beginning. Which means whether this is your first Tippermere book or if it's been a while since you've read an instalment you don't feel lost as to who is related to who and how.With Country Rivals being the 4th instalment in the Tippermere series (if we count the Christmas novella, and I do), the characters are already well developed. I've loved Lottie from the very beginning, but in this book we get a better look at how everyone else see's her. And I have to say it just makes me love her more. Speaking of loving people more... I suddenly realised whilst reading just how much I love Sam, she's very in your face but she has a big heart and is a fab friend. Every single one of Stoneleys characters has a real depth to them, even the horses and dogs that feature so heavily in this series.
This is the perfect mix of comedy, love, heartbreak, mystery, horses and dogs. It will have you laughing in one moment and reaching for the tissues at another. And if you are anything like me.... chomping at the bit for the next instalment.
WhooOOP! Fab review! Well done, Zara! Thanks for sharing, Shona. :) xx
ReplyDeleteThanks you Shona - delighted that you loved it, and so lovely of you to write such a brilliant review
ReplyDeleteZara x