That’s what Paris socialite Siena keeps telling herself. She’ll hide away in her sister Laurie’s cottage near London to escape her hot-tempered fiancé.
However, when Jason – gorgeous but a bit of a Grinch – picks her up from the airport, he reveals that Laurie hasn’t lived there for months, complicating Siena’s holiday getaway.
At first, Jason and Siena don’t see eye to eye. But after a weekend in the most romantic city in the world, experiencing all it has to offer – from the magic of a fir-lined Champs-Élysées, lit up by thousands of sparkling fairy lights, to the swoosh of skates on ice at the Eiffel Tower – Siena shows Jason her Paris, and a whole other side to herself. Suddenly Siena’s December deadline seems far too close…
This Christmas, jet off to Paris with Siena and Jason and experience the magic of the holiday season.
Ikira's review: 5 out of 5 stars
For starters, I think the blurb on this book gives too much away. I totally did the 'judge a book by its cover' thing you should never do and purchased the kindle copy without reading a single word of the blurb...because it was pretty and had a nice ring to the title! Totally a rookie move but caution, wind...all that stuff.
Anyway, I'm so glad I didn't read it, it tells you too much so if you haven't already read it (not helped by it being posted above - whoops), then don't. Spend a couple of quid, stop reading here and go find out for yourself.
For those of you who've already read the blurb or simply don't care about what I just said, that's cool - here comes the bit which is actually a book review:
It's funny, I think you can probably tell when I like a book from the way I ramble on...haha...seriously, review now...
I really enjoyed this story. Right from the outset, you got a clear indication of the type of woman Siena (with one N) is...she's been brought up with a silver spoon shoved so far down her throat, she has to speak from her backside! She clearly expects the best, has no clue about the real world and can't even get herself a cab from the airport, just assumes someone else will do everything for her. It's the fault of her parents of course, she's just playing the hand she was dealt in all fairness but still. The sort of woman us regular bods really want to just slap!
Jason; well, i want to snog, marry and have babies with that man. You can take Christian Grey and Gideon whats-his-name and all those other 'wannabee men' and tell them to look no further than Jason for proof of how they should really treat a woman. No mind games, pure honesty (for the most part), selflessness but not to his own detriment, good looks, a great work ethic and a wonderful friend to boot...now that's my kinda man! Yum!
Jason and Siena are clearly worlds apart and shouldn't really become friends, let alone more. It's very clearly a match made in hell from the outset but its exactly that which tells you it's going to happen. They're so perfectly wrong for each other that they fit. Of course, there is an evil bad guy who attempts to ruin it all but what I like about that in this story is that we get to know Jason and Siena really well first and there's no big secret we have to wait until 3 pages before the end to figure out and put the story together. We know he's there in the backgroud, waiting. We know what he wants and we know he won't be nice about getting it so no big surprise but a wonderful 'love conquers all' story with easily believable characters, a beautifully thought out plot and a writer who knows her way around two languages well enough to write with them both properly!
Love it!
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