Talented artists shouldn’t be waiting tables, scraping by, and living mediocre lives. But that’s exactly what art school graduate Wes Teague is doing.
Then he wakes from a bizarre dream, haunted by the sense that his life isn't real. A harrowing truth presents itself--the real world lies in his dreams, not when he's wide awake.
The dream world he enters each night is rich and vibrant. Chicago appears the same on the surface, but chaos runs rampant as gravity, physics, and other laws of nature become fluid, changing unexpectedly. There, Wes's parents, brother, and sister are strangers. His girlfriend Emily doesn’t recognize him. Suddenly Wes longs to return, to unlearn the truth about his dual reality.
Wes would sacrifice almost anything to get back to blissful ignorance in a false world.
But now he has feelings for the real Emily.
My review.
My rating: 3 of 5 stars
Campbell does an excellent job of building not one but two completely different worlds for us in this book. First off we have the LV (logiverse) which is very similar to our world. And then we have Existence which is completely different. In the LV we follow laws/rules We get up, eat, go to work, have relationships etc. In the Existence we have no rules. We have creators who are able to literally think up new worlds, there are no rules of physics.
The concept of the story is a good one, since discovering his 'rec' (recollection) barrier is broken Wes remembers Existence whilst in the LV which makes it impossible for him to relax and enjoy the LV. And he no longer remembers his life in Existence, leaving it to his friend Andy to walk him through creating worlds and the non rules of Existence. The hardest part for Wes is the realisation that the people he was close to in the LV aren't close to him in Existence (with the exception of Andy). So he tried to change that.
Since I received a copy of this from the author in exchange for an honest review I am going to have to be honest and say I struggled to read this. There was just so much to take in and the jumping back and forth from the LV and Existence didn't make it easier for me to follow. Sometimes when you read a book you take an instant dislike to it for whatever reason, maybe the main character rubs you the wrong way etc, but there was honestly nothing like that here. I cant see why I couldn't enjoy this book properly which is why I'm giving it a 3 star, I didn't hate it, I just couldn't enjoy it.
Grand prize: Chicago theme prize pack (autographed paperback of Gateway to Reality, wobbly Chicago skyline journal, Cloud Gate button, Gateway to Reality button, Gateway to Reality postcard, Cloud Gate postcard, and Millennium Park postcard. (US only)
Second prize: autographed paperback of Gateway to Reality and Gateway to Reality postcard. (US only)
Third prize: entire Becca J. Campbell eBook library (Gateway to Reality, Foreign Identity, Not the Norm, and Unmasked Alloy). (All countries)
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Inspiration for Creation: http://www.beccajcampbell.com
Twitter: @beccajcampbell
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