Tom’s only distraction is Ari, the girl he studies with for their chemistry class.
Ari has one goal when she arrives in town: see how much Tom knows about the Sary and neutralize the situation. This isn’t a normal job, but protecting the secrecy of the Sary is vital. If Tom is a threat to exposing the Sary to the public, fate has a way of taking care of the situation, usually ending with the mortal’s death. While Ari spends time with Tom, he becomes more than just an assignment, but how far can a relationship go when she can’t tell him who she really is? When she finds out just how much Tom actually knows about the Sary, Ari is forced to choose between her wings, and her heart.
THE CHEMISTRY OF FATE is a companion to COLORS LIKE MEMORIES and is set before the latter takes place. It is geared toward an upper YA, or New Adult audience.
Shona's review 4 of 5 stars
Before I started reading this I assumed the Sary where Angels, but they're not, they are something else. A Sary is an angel like being created by the soul of a child who dies before taking its first breath, they have wings and their purpose is to help people who are contemplating suicide. People are not supposed to find out about the Sary, so when Tom finds his grandfathers journal in which he talks about being Sary, Tom comes under secret investigation from the Sary in an attempt to find out what he knows and destroy any evidence he may have....
While I enjoyed the story I found it took me a long while to connect with Tom or Ari, we never really got long enough with either of them as the book changed POV at every chapter, which was in a way comforting because you were never far away from finding out what the other one was thinking/feeling. The story itself unfolded at a nice steady pace and Houston does a great job at catching the reader and dragging them into the world that she has written.
Everywhere I look I see people stating that The Chemistry of Fate is a must-read companion to Colors Like Memories, but honestly if you haven't read Colours like Memories you can still read this. It works great as a stand alone. That being said I do want to read Colors Like Memories.
To help celebrate the tour the publishers have dropped the price of The Chemistry of Fate to $2.99 (around £1.95) across all eBook sites. So why not grab yourself a copy at the reduced price
Buy Links:
MuseItUp Publishing:
Barnes and Noble:
Rafflecopter giveaway:
Meradeth is holding a tour wide giveaway. It’s for a really nice leather journal, which fits with the story, and a $10 Amazon gift card.
All entries will be double checked. False entries will be removed.
Meradeth’s never been a big fan of talking about herself, but if you really want to know, here are some random tidbits about her:
She’s a Northern California girl, but now lives and teaches anthropology in Montana.
When she’s not writing, she’s sequencing dead people’s DNA. For fun!
She’s been writing since she was 11 years old. It's her hobby, her passion, and she’s so happy to get to share her work!
If she could have a super-power, it would totally be flying. Which is a little strange, because she’s terrified of heights.
Hello Meradeth and welcome to Booky Ramblings. Thanks for joining us today.
Thanks so much for hosting me!
I think it’s pretty safe to say that most writers love reading. What are some of the books that influenced you the most? Anything you’d like to recommend? There are so many books that have influenced me over the years! I’d have to say A Wrinkle In Time by Madeline L’Engle is one of my all-time favorites, and her books in general were a big influence on getting me writing. There are so many others I’m having a hard time choosing!
What is your favorite part of the writing process? What about it makes you love it? I love a shiny new idea or character that I just can’t stop thinking about. Writing a first draft is probably my absolute favorite thing—I love getting lost in the world I’m creating and letting reality fall away.
What’s your biggest pet-peeve when it comes to the writing world? Does anything get under your skin and itch? I’ll admit, editing is not my favorite thing. While it can be fun at times, I wish I wrote perfect first drafts (lol!). Other than that, the luck that is involved with getting a deal with the Big 5 does kind of irk me at times, as there are so many books that don’t get the attention I wish they did!
If you could meet any writer, living or dead, and pick their brain over coffee/tea/hot-chocolate, who would it be? What would be your first question? Madeline L’Engle would be my first pick—I’d love to have tea with her and ask her what her favorite thing about Wrinkle was. Shakespeare would also be pretty interesting, though I’d probably be too tongue-tied to say much!
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Thank you so much for the review and interview!!