Fourteen-year-old Beck Conleth is living a quiet life in the seaside town of Queen's Weather when his grandmother sends him on a journey to Ulfwood to retrieve his father's bones and a family skean (dagger). After reaching Ulfwood, Beck discovers the skean is magical, and that it answers only to him. Soon the enchanted skean and its owner attract the attention of dark mages, goblins, and worse. Helped on his journey home by Wisewomen, warriors, shape-changers, and the other good folk of Lifthrasir, Beck faces death, danger, and the theft of his skean. Accompanied by his best friend, Beck stows away on a ship, takes back his skean, befriends a dragon, and escapes with a troop of thieves. After reaching a dock in West Arnora, the company heads for the fortress of Ravens Haunt. As Beck and his companions face a hideous Skullsoul and an army of ogrehunches, he realizes there is a developing confrontation between good and evil, and he and his enchanted skean have a role to play.
Chloe's Review - 2 out of 5 stars
I give this book a 2 because it was very repetitive. Beck would go on one adventure get back and go straight on another adventure. I like books with one or two adventures in ,but this book had too many. I think that if you're a boy you would enjoy it more than I did. I also gave this a 2 because I found it boring. There were a few times I didn't expect something to happen ,but the rest of it was predictable. I was reading this at nights and nearly falling asleep. Some parts of this book were great, but in other ways it was hard for me to finish. I kept telling myself 'the book will get better', but I was always let down. To me it was like the author was used up all her ideas in one book. When someone died I was expecting s0mething dramatic, but it was a boring way to describe it.
You can tell that this book was based in older times by the language Beck and others use. I like the way that the author did this by mixing both languages together. There was also Janepar tongue. I liked it how there way different languages spoken in one book. The rest of the book wasn't great, I hoped it would have been more exciting than it was.
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The Enchanted Skean
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