The Scene (Dylan Hart #1)
Irreverent twenty-something, Dylan Hart, has her little black heart set to cash-in on the blood-drained bodies of seven prostitutes scattered throughout southern California.
In search of the culprit of the media-dubbed Vampire Massacres, journalist Dylan Hart dives head first into L.A.’s sanguinary ‘vampire’ subculture, in an attempt to write her first best-selling novel and pay off her ever growing student debt.
Dylan drinks whiskey, smokes like a chimney, and possesses a mouth she wouldn’t kiss her mama with and with the aid of her statuesque hetero-life-mate Tatum Price, Dylan takes the case head-on, slicing her way through the absurd, the ethereal and the deadly serious, of the underground ‘vampire’ community. But lies and skepticism keep Dylan from the facts hidden within fiction and the danger lurking right under her nose. It’s all shits and giggles until a dead body pops up at your back door.
In search of the culprit of the media-dubbed Vampire Massacres, journalist Dylan Hart dives head first into L.A.’s sanguinary ‘vampire’ subculture, in an attempt to write her first best-selling novel and pay off her ever growing student debt.
Dylan drinks whiskey, smokes like a chimney, and possesses a mouth she wouldn’t kiss her mama with and with the aid of her statuesque hetero-life-mate Tatum Price, Dylan takes the case head-on, slicing her way through the absurd, the ethereal and the deadly serious, of the underground ‘vampire’ community. But lies and skepticism keep Dylan from the facts hidden within fiction and the danger lurking right under her nose. It’s all shits and giggles until a dead body pops up at your back door.
Claire's Review 5 of 5 Stars
Wow where do I start! I had heard great things about this book and it had been on my tbr list for a while, so when the opportunity arose to review I jumped at the chance, and boy was I not disappointed.
After the first few chapters I was hooked! I loved the dynamics of the characters and the fact that Dylan isn't your typical perfect heroine, but a person with flaws and a lot of doubt in herself. I felt she was a character that you could really relate to! I found myself trying to guess the outcome the whole way through and not once did it cross my mind to be what it was! I actually felt a bit stupid for not realising sooner as when I found out it seemed an obvious choice!
This scene is incredibly well written and keeps you hooked from the very beginning. I struggled to put the book down and read in only a few sittings, although if it wasn't for life getting in the way I could have easily completed it in one sitting! I cannot wait to see what lies for Dylan and the gang in the next instalment!
Endless Night (Dylan Hart #2)
The bitch is back in this second installment of the Dylan Hart Odyssey of the Occult series. The irreverent Dylan Hart, once again, graces us with her presence, this time from down in New Orleans. She has drug along her band of misfit vampires, but this time blood drinkers are the least of her worries. Dylan finds herself entangled in the underground world of blood and lust when she encounters a new, and much more frightening, villain. Voodoo. Who do?
Claire's Review 5 of 5 Stars
Ok I am now totally in love with Dylan Hart. She isn't your stereotypical character, she feels real! She has insecurities like we all do and her behaviour is far from perfect! And this makes her perfect in my eyes.
I'm totally finding myself torn between love interests, but feel a lot of sympathy for Mike at this point. I would love to be able to learn more about their relationship prior to where the books start.
I have one massive problem with this book though.....the 3rd one isn't out and I'm impatient!!!
Author Biography
R.M. resides in California with her family and a ton of pets. Choosing to behave 'outside the box' R.M. prefers to think and live freely without the constraints of social stigma in life and in writing. That being said, she truly is not your mother's author.
Author Interview
What inspired you to write your first book?
Do you have a specific writing style?
I’ve been told my style is ‘unique’ but I just write it like I’d say it. I guess I want readers to feel like they are hearing a story told from their best friend. Or a drunken bar mate.
How did you come up with the title?
The first book in the Dylan Hart series comes to us today by the letter V for vampires. No wait – that’s not right. Not really anyway. ‘The Scene’ refers to the vampire club scene found in many metropolitan areas. While I was researching sanguinarians (lifestyle vampires – those are real people I promise – who drink blood for whatever reason) and Psy-vamps (people who feed on your energy for nourishment – also real people) I came across so many references to ‘The Scene’ I couldn’t think of a better name for a book. As far as the second book – Endless Night – it refers to the lack of sun in the story, but also is a nod to the real Endless Night vampire ball that the Masque de Sang ball in the book is based on. The series ‘Odyssey of the Occult’ was my way of not taking anything seriously. While Dylan faces scary and unbelievable adventures each book is a new journey, or odyssey, into another piece of the occult puzzle, she takes everything in stride and never takes herself or anything else too seriously. Unless, of course, it’s a death thing or someone trying to kill her. But all in all she just wants to write a damn book – similar to Odysseus just wanting to go home.
Is there a message in your novel that you want readers to grasp?
Stop taking everything so seriously. Find the funny in life and laugh your ass off. Question the world around you, never take anything at face value, and do the damn thing with a beer in one hand and a double barrel in the other.
How much of the book is realistic?
A lot! More than people realize I think. I’ve had a few reviewers seem a bit confused at the reality of vampires – are they real or not? – well the ones in The Scene are – to a point. Sanguinarians are real people. The vampire clubs mentioned in each of the first two books are based on real clubs and events. I’ve added fiction and tweaked it a bit to fit the story, but even down to the rituals at the Houses and cabals there is a lot of fact weaved through the fiction. It all goes along with the theme of the Dylan Hart series – fact is hidden in fiction and it’s living, breathing, and killing right under your nose.
Are your novels based on someone you know, or events in your own life?
Everything. All of it. And not of it. Mannerisms, quotes, personalities, names, a lot of it comes from people and experiences in my life. There are more than a few Dylan Hart quotes that are inside jokes. If readers got it – hell yeah – if not that’s fine – it wasn’t put there for them. Entire characters – Nana from the Lynnie Russell trilogy – is the embodiment of my Nana. Down to the sound of her many rings clacking together, it’s her.
Which of your novels have influenced your life the most?
The ones I haven’t written yet. The scene roll through my head like continuous movie trailers begging to be put to paper. There are a lot in there waiting to be let out but my poor little fingers just can’t type that fast. The one stuck in my head most often is the last Dylan Hart book. Yes, there is a ‘last’. No, you have some time.
If you had to choose, which writer would you consider a mentor?
Dr Seuss. Oh, the Places You'll Go! Full of so many memorable quotes. This one stuck with me.
“You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose. You're on your own. And you know what you know. And YOU are the one who'll decide where to go...”
What book are you reading now?
A few things. But I’m kind of in a reading funk. I’m working on a YA book (not my fave but I liked the first one) by Juliann Whicker. It’s good and I’m glad to see the characters progressing. On the flip side I have CM Stunich’s Real Ugly cued up on the Kindle. I like the characters, the writing style, or tense I should say, is not my usual read and is taking some getting used to. I’ve started a few others in the last month but just haven’t been able to let my brain sink in to a book. I dunno why.
What are your current projects?
There’s a folder on my desktop labelled – WIP work in progress. It’s filled with partial chapters, notes, starts, short stories, and other crap that leaks out of my head. But, for the most part, I’m working on Dylan Hart book 3 – Sacrifice.
Do you see your writing as a career?
Sure. I have a day job – like Clark Kent – but writing is what I actually like to do and what I want to do until I finally die. Oooh, what if I wrote from beyond the grave? Would you buy books written by a ghost?
If you had to do it all over again, would you change anything in your latest book?
Yes, lots. But I like change am constantly thinking of how to make things different.
Do you recall how your interest in writing originated?
I was drunk.
Can you share a little of your current work with us?
Here’s a bit from Sacrifice – Dylan Hart book three.
I scoffed. “Bullshit.”
“Believe what you want, it doesn’t matter to me. But can you please try to believe in the magic that is after you because it is real and it is here no questions asked.”
“I thought you told me to not believe?” I asked, remembering the conversation we had in a poorly lit back hallway just after I’d tripped over a non-existent corpse. “You said believing fuels the magic. Or some shit like that.”
“It’s too late for that. You’ve already let it in. Disbelieving now will only damper any attempts to save you. Do you understand?”
I mulled over his words for a bit. I was there. I’d seen the girls. Each and every pale set of bound hands and stumpy neck-hole, I’d seen with my own eyes. Blood oozing from my own phantom wounds, twice. I was there for it all. It took a while for my head to wrap around it at first. Right up until some unseen demon chased me down the street and up my stairs I was a skeptic. Now, it wasn’t so easy not to believe. But my overly rational sensibilities told me otherwise. The struggle between good and evil is nothing compared to the inner struggle one faces when the occult is introduced.
Is there anything you find particularly challenging in your writing?
I hate romance. Writing sex scenes terrifies me. The act is lovely and I do it often, but writing it down and trying to take it all seriously is just not something I can wrap my brain around. Give me a good fight seen, bloody death, dismemberment, cynical comebacks, idle threats, I’m your girl. Ask me to create a scene in which two people bump uglies and I’m lost.
Do you have to travel much concerning your book(s)?
Not yet. I was just surprised with a trip to New Orleans next summer by my lovely husband. A bit late for a research trip, but I plan on making a few stops along the way. Including a vampire shop where Dylan Hart paperbacks are sold.
Who designed the covers?
Mostly me. I have beta readers that help plot out the ideas for covers, but in the end it’s just me.
What was the hardest part of writing your book?
Not sure. Difficulties come and go as each book grows and becomes book-like. Writers block is a constant irritant and happens a lot. I guess the hardest part of writing in general for me is finding time. I write on my phone, I have a tablet, and a laptop all synced together so I can write wherever I am. If I didn’t I’d never get any writing done with my schedule.
Do you have any advice for other writers?
Make friends. Don’t screw those friends over. And ask them lots of questions. Authors, bloggers, editors, publishers, they are all your friend until someone tells you otherwise. Don’t assume they are aware of this rule so don’t be a creep. Just be awesome and get to know people in the business. Even if they’re just starting out – doesn’t matter – eventually they may hit milestones before you, but you were there from the start. A great friend who happens to write books. In my year of publication I’ve made some really good friends – legit friends not fake ones – and I wouldn’t give them up.
Do you have anything specific that you want to say to your readers?
Thanks for kicking ass and taking names. Keep spreading Dylan around like the clap on the varsity swim team.
R.M. Links
Purchase Links
The Scene (Dylan Hart book 1)
Endless Night (Dylan Hart book 2)
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