Six years later, the new and improved version of the girl she used to be steered clear of romance, love and late night promises. The only pillow talk Angela engaged in these days, was making sure the person on the other pillow knew to lose her number as soon as he left the bed. She only had room for one love in her life and that was Bare Assets, the gentleman's club she poured her heart and soul into.
Dean Murray was the devil in disguise and had left behind enough broken hearted women to populate a small country. Angela would know. She was an expert markswoman who was skillfully self-trained at shooting down the good, the bad and the ugly of all masculine targets. After all, as the owner of the most successful strip club in Dallas, Texas, it was her business to know men.
Just as she begins to fall for Dean's silky words and passionate ways, her past and present unexpectedly collide and a meticulously planned future turns into unpredictable chaos. Is the smooth talking, denim wearing devil responsible for the chaos? Or have the secrets she left buried in Arkansas, coming back to haunt her?
Claire's Review 5 of 5 Stars
Wow I absolutely loved this! I read the whole book in 1 sitting, It was such a nice smooth read and I could not put it down. Angie is a strong woman who has been to hell and back and came out stronger, but still has her softer side which is bought out when she starts letting Dean into her life and when she is confronted with her past from Cutter. This was a very emotional read for me and I found myself shedding a few tears when you discover more about Deans life.
M.L. Stephens has written an amazing story here and I cant recommend it enough. I have also read some of her previous work and she has definitely gained a fan!
Author Interview
M.L. Stephens
What inspired you to write your first book? I sat on the idea of my first book for twelve years before finally writing it. While living abroad in a desert country, I found myself sitting in an apartment for 16 hours a day without anyone to talk to. I decided then that the, "I'm too busy," excuse was no longer valid.
Do you have a specific writing style? My writing style depends upon my mood, the genre I'm writing and the characters' backgrounds.
How did you come up with the title? The Bare Assets title was a surprise. I knew I wanted a catchy name for the gentlemen's club and was stumped until I overheard someone discussing their marital assets and that's when it hit me.
Is there a message in your novel that you want readers to grasp? I want people to know that regardless of your background or any hopelessness in your life, it is possible to find success and love if that's what you desire.
How much of the book is realistic? I would say that most of it is. I don't personally know any strip club owners, but I do know a strip club manager who came from a small town in Arkansas and I have also known women who have danced their way through college and became successful business women.
Are your novels based on someone you know, or events in your own life? I've known women who danced, but otherwise, heavens, no. Me on a stripper pole? Yeah, right. *laughs*
Which of your novels have influenced your life the most? The Perfect Clone because it was the first book I completed and caused me to realize that I could do it.
If you had to choose, which writer would you consider a mentor? If I had to choose, I would pick four. J.R. Ward, Heather Graham, Lisa Jackson and Sandra Brown. Not because I personally know them, but because their writing styles inspire me.
What book are you reading now? I'm currently reading Jane's Melody by Ryan Winfield.
What are your current projects? I have two projects in the works. Bare Essentials which will be a companion to Bare Assets and A Witch's Curse which takes me back to my love of the paranormal.
Do you see your writing as a career? I think that for any writer, it's more than just a career. Writing is a way of life. We eat, breathe and sleep the stories while creating them. I've been known to sit at the keyboard from 5AM - Midnight/7 days a week when I'm in a writing groove. My kids say that I'm possessed. I try to remind them that it's obsessed and not possessed. HA!
If you had to do it all over again, would you change anything in your latest book? I would change everything and nothing. It sounds quirky, but for each scene that's written, I think of a dozen ways that it could be rewritten to create a different outcome. If I didn't commit to my original idea though, I might never finish a story because I'd be too busy rewriting the same idea a dozen different ways.
Do you recall how your interest in writing originated? In the womb perhaps? *giggle* I honestly can't recall a time that I didn't dabble in some form of poetry or short stories.
Is there anything you find particularly challenging in your writing? Absolutely. When ideas are flowing and real life takes me away from the keyboard, it's sometimes a challenge to keep my mind off the story I'm creating and focus on what's around me.
Do you have to travel much concerning your book(s)? Not yet, but I hope that changes. I am attending Indie bash 10/26/13 in Springdale, AR, along with about 30 other fabulous authors. I'm super excited about it and can't wait to meet the readers in person.
Who designed the covers? Didn't she do a gorgeous job? Rene Folsom with Phycel Designs.
What was the hardest part of writing your book? Writing, "The End." It's bittersweet when the character's stories come to a close.
Do you have any advice for other writers? Continue to share your stories with the world because you are the only one who knows that story. For aspiring writers: Every day, carve out time to write. Even if you only write one sentence.
Do you have anything specific that you want to say to your readers? The beauty behind a writer's words would fall flat if the readers didn't take the time to read, review and share. Thank you for being absolutely amazing.
M.L. Stephens has also generously offered prizes for a giveaway! Enter the Rafflecopter below to be in with a chance of winning....
E copy of Bare Assets
E copy of Love You More
A Bare Assets Bookmark
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