Laney Walker is a quick witted, athletic, southern tomboy who lets few get too close, using her sarcastic zingers to deflect. She also has no idea how others view her, Evan having protected and coveted her since they were children. But college puts a gap between Laney and Evan that neither of them were prepared for- old relationships are tested, new ones are formed and nothing will ever be the same.
Especially when in walks one Dane Kendrick, not at all the familiar, southern charmer of home, but an animal all his own.
A story of growing up, friendship, loyalty, first love, primal love...and life.
Warning: Mature content.
Shona's review 5 of 5 stars
This was a no brainer easy to rate 5 stars. From the first page my attention was well and truly on this book and nothing else.. so much so that it took me just a few short hours to devour this book.
It didn't take long before I was loved up with Laney and Evan and their new found relationship, which I knew wasn't going to last long.. I mean when the main characters find each other so early in the book there has to be something that pulls them apart right? Laney doesn't get accepted to the college she wanted to go to with Evan and because they will be apart she decides to put an end to their relationship, she thinks this will prevent either of them getting hurt if they happen to fall into the arms of someone else. On one hand I say she's a sensible girl, but there's another part of me that says she's just given him permission to screw around at college without having to worry about it.
It was clear to me when we first met Dane that I was definitely Team Evan.. I mean this guy has pretty much loved and worshipped her since she was 10, who in their right mind would turn their back on that? And then the more I got to see of Dane the more I was thinking Evan who? Dane is very secretive about his own personal life and gives almost nothing away, but it never really comes across as creepy. Laney definitely never thinks so and despite there being HUGE clues as to his background etc she never see's them.. Maybe it is as Bennet says later, maybe she really is too caught up in her boy dramas to really think about anyone else. But I honestly cant hold that against her and neither does Dane after all he is the one who has deflected almost every personal question she has asked.
This book has everything. It has not one, but several boyfriend worthy guys, yes Tate, Sawyer and Zach I'm looking at you too. It has a love triangle, betrayal, tragedy, heartbreak, romance. And a freaking cliffhanger that admittedly I saw coming. I cant wait to read the second book in this series.

Watch my facebook page for contests and BOOK TWO TEASERS!!!!
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Sept 3rd ~ Just Me & My Love for Books
Sept 4th ~ Oh My Shelves ~ Jean Booknerd
Sept 5th ~ This Redhead Loves Books ~ Reading past my Bedtime
Sept 6th ~ Romance Bookworm
Sept 7th ~ Tams Two Cents ~ Sinful Reviews
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