The Professor by Robert Bailey
Thomas Jackson McMurtrie is a living legend scorned. Forty years ago, he gave up a promising career as a trial lawyer to become a law professor at the University of Alabama at the request of his mentor. Alabama football Coach, Paul "Bear" Bryant. Now Tom is forced into retirement, betrayed by both a powerful colleague and his own failing health.
Meanwhile, the young family of one of his oldest friends is killed in a tragic road collision. Believing his career is over, Tom refers the case to a brilliant, yet beleaguered, former student, who begins to uncover the truth behind the tragedy, buried in a tangled web of arson, bribery and greed.
But as the eve of trial approaches, the young attorney's case begins to unravel. In over his head and at the end of his rope, he realizes there's only one man who can help...
Lisa's Review - 5 out of 5 stars
First I want to thank Angry Robot for the ARC of this book via NetGalley. The book is due for publication January 28th 2014.
The Professor is promised to be a 'legal thriller', and it doesn't hold back in living up to that tag line.
Tom McMurtrie used to be a trial lawyer, but gave it up to become The Professor, and becoming the best in his field, and quite literally, writing the book on Evidence. When the times change, and The Professor refuses to change with them, he is wrongfully forced out of the job he loves and is excellent at. His health also takes a knock, so after righting some wrongs and referring a huge case to an ex student, The Professor goes into hiding. But can his ex student, Rick Drake, win the case without The Professor?
I never expected that I would pick up a legal thriller and be quite as engrossed in it as I was with this book. I have read books before that included court cases, and along the way have managed to get completely lost with the terminology, but with The Professor, even though there was a lot of legal style wording used, it is done in a way that even if you have no knowledge of the setting, it is understandable.
From the beginning, I was hooked into this book. From the first page, we get hooked into the story, starting with the accident that causes the trial in the first place, which was really well written, and even though it was only a few pages in I found the scene heart wrenching.
From then on the rest of the book is full on, with larger than life characters, a fast paced court case with twists and turns left, right and centre, and a plot that leaves you wondering if they will or wont win the case.
I really enjoyed The Professor, and I loved the story. It was filled with moments that made me smile, laugh, gasp in horror, cringe and cry. It is a real page turner, and I think everyone will enjoy it whether they understand the legal aspects of the book or not.
Purchase Links
Amazon UK http://www.amazon.co.uk/Professor-McMurtie-Drake-Robert-Bailey/dp/1909223573/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1389103162&sr=8-1&keywords=professor+robert+bailey
Amazon.com http://www.amazon.com/The-Professor-Robert-Bailey/dp/1909223581/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1389103276&sr=8-1&keywords=professor+robert+bailey
B&N http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/the-professor-robert-bailey/1115072547?ean=9781909223585
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