Secrets and lies. They are everywhere: haunting her, tormenting her. In the midst of it all, he’d been her escape, her passion. The only person she’d trusted in six years. And then he’d made her doubt that trust, cutting her deeply. But as she’d once told him, she was damaged, not broken. She is ready to fight and not just for survival. She is fighting for the truth and she won’t stop until she has it, not even for…him.
Shona's review 4 of 5 stars
Let me just start by explaining why this didn't get the 5 stars I was hoping it would get. By the time we had gotten 50% of the way through the book we had had more sex scenes than I could count, Amy still wasn't sure if she could trust Liam and we'd had barely any advancement in the story line. At 50%. Really? Yes really.The thing is though, this didn't stop me from reading it. It was as though Jones' writing had put a spell on me and pulled me into Amy's world. That and the fact that once we hit 50% the action barely stopped. It was one thing after another with Amy's history unfolding before us and steps being put in place to ensure her future. I devoured this book.
When I picked this book up I had thought it was going to be the end of Amy's story, but then discovered that there would be a 3rd book in the series. Initially I was a little disappointed because I thought this one was going to answer all my questions but then realised that actually I enjoy Amy's world enough to want to read more of it.
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