The Mason Dixon Line by Linda Morris
Carolyn Hart has excelled at one thing her whole life: looking good. She has the beauty and style to turn heads. But making her own way in the world turns out to be a lot tougher than getting elected homecoming queen. She has no idea what she wants to do with her life, her credit card balance is becoming self-aware, and her love life is DOA. And now her boss at Horizons, a school for kids with special needs, has given her an unwelcome assignment: to work with a cartoonist to create a kids' book as a fundraiser for the school.
Former troubled kid Mason Dixon would do anything for the aunt who took him in after his parents gave up on him. But when he offers to illustrate a kids' book as a fundraiser for her pet cause, he winds up taking on way more than he bargained for. The gorgeous teacher's aide he's assigned to work with challenges him at every turn and makes him wonder if there's any line he won't cross for her
Lisa's Review - 2.5 out of 5 stars
The Mason Dixon Line is a pretty short read, and for me personally I think that is why I struggled with it. There was a lot crammed into a small amount of space and perhaps if this had been a longer length the story might have come across as more believable.
I found the main female character really hard to like, she was superficial, vain, and conceited. Even though we were constantly told about her debts, it is hard to feel pity for someone who runs to daddys credit card when she needs bailing out, and who seems to waste opportunities most people would give their right arm for.
When Carolyn meets Mason Dixon, an artist with ADHD and dyslexia, it is nice to see a change come over Carolyn and she starts to realise that money is not the be all and all, but for me there were still too much of her bad traits coming through, which is why I hoped the story would have been longer so we could really see a difference in Carolyn.
I always try to remember when reading a fiction book that it is all imagination and to keep an open mind, but the one thing that tainted this whole read for me was something that I couldn't shake off. Right after meeting Mason for the very first time, Carolyn agrees to go and spend the school holidays in a cabin in the middle of nowhere with him. I couldn't get my head around the idea at all. No woman would instantly agree to go and spend days away, in the middle of nowhere, alone, with a man they had literally known for maybe an hour! I constantly thought about this throughout the whole book and found myself struggling to get my head around how totally unrealistic that was.
Goodreads Linda Morris
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