Beyond Grace's Rainbow by Carmel Harrington
*Winner of the March 2013 Kindle Book Award
Beyond Grace’s Rainbow is the deeply emotional and poignant story of young single mother Grace Devlin. With a wonderful cast of supporting characters and plenty of charm, this will have you laughing and crying at the turn of a page.
Lisa's Review - 5 out of 5 stars
Okay, I'll be honest and admit that this book has been sat on my Kindle for weeks now and I have put off reading it, because I knew it was going to be a tearjerker. And I was right. I was barely ten pages in before I was reaching for the tissues!!
Grace is a single mother, having separated from her son's father Liam, who had an alcohol addiction, just as she found out she was pregnant with their son. Grace has an amazing group of friends, and all their lives are turned into chaos when Grace is diagnosed with leukaemia.
From the very first page I loved Grace, and found myself really feeling for the woman all the way through the book. Grace is a strong, brave woman and I cant see anyone being able to read this book and not fall in love with her. Grace's friends were brilliant, all such unique characters that had me laughing my head off one page, and sobbing my eyes out the next. In a cast of such strong characters there is usually a 'weaker' one I don't like, but I loved them all, even Liam when he comes back on the scene.
It's hard to write a review for this book without giving away any spoilers! There are some really good twists and turns in the story, and it is heart warming and heart breaking, funny and sad, and beautifully written. There is just one warning that should be issued with this book - always carry tissues!
Goodreads Carmel Harrington
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