FIVE: Out of the Pit by Holli Anderson
Genre: young-adult, urban-fantasy, paranormal-romance
Publisher: Curiosity Quills Press
Date of Publication: March 31st, 2014
Cover Artist: Alexandria Thompson (http://alexandriadior.deviantart.com/)
The Five find their way to Moab, Utah where, before they’re even settled in, evil finds them.
As Paige fights to keep from succumbing to the pull of an Incubus that has her marked as his
next conquest, Johnathan seeks to find a way to rid her of a curse she willingly accepted in order
to save him.
A surprising revelation initiates a long-awaited, yet unexpected, reunion for Alec who discovers
a new magical talent he possesses.
The FIVE, along with their mentor, Joe, must figure out what was meant by the last words of a
Demon as it was sent back to the Netherworld—a promise of Gathering darkness—and stop the
evil before it’s unleashed on the small town of Moab. And, the world.
He was interrupted by the Demon’s laughter. “I shall return to this realm a short time
hence. Along with a multitude of Demons and Fae.”
“What are you talking about?” Joe asked.
“He’s just stalling,” Seth hissed.
“Believe what you will, young Quinaie Praesidia.”
“How do you plan to return?” Joe persisted.
“You shall know the hour is at hand when the heavens gather blackness and all the
elements combine to protect the way. The very jaws of Hell shall gape open its mouth wide after
The Five. You should all be very afraid.” It laughed its Demonic laugh, rows of teeth dripping
green saliva that hissed as it hit the floor.
About the Author:
Holli Anderson has a Bachelor’s Degree in Nursing—which has nothing to do with writing,
except maybe by adding some pretty descriptive injury and vomit scenes to her books. She
discovered her joy of writing during a very trying period in her life when escaping into make-
believe saved her. She enjoys reading any book she gets her hands on, but has a particular love
for anything fantasy.
Along with her husband, Steve, and their four sons, she lives in Grantsville, Utah—the same
small town in which she grew up.
Lisa's Review - 5 out of 5 stars
I jumped straight from reading book 1 in this series, Five out of the Dark, and into this book. If you read my review previously on the first book, you will know that I gave it a four star review as I thought it was a slow starter, but I loved it by the end. And now I am happy to give this instalment a 5 star review!
Something I really dislike when I read a series is when the next book comes along and half of it is spent going over everything from the previous book. No problems here! Out of the Pit jumps straight into the story where Out of the Dark leaves off. At the end of the last book, Paige has made a deal with a demon, she has cured Johnathan of his werewolf like curse, but in return she has been made blind, and living in a world of darkness. As well as dealing with that, the Five are still in the throes of a war with Brone, the head teacher in disguise from Out of the Dark, as well as throwing a whole heap of other things at them.
I loved the addition of learning more about Alec into this story, finding out about his parents, and his history, and the added parts of the story they added made me feel like I was getting to know more of the characters better as well as Paige. There are so many cool mythical creatures to feast upon and the magic is great too!
There are so many twists and turns there is never a dull moment in these books. Ups and downs, highs and lows, laughter and tears keep coming in abundance and create something exciting to read about on every page, and there is never a dull moment to be seen.
I loved getting lost in the world of the Five and look forward to reading the next instalment.
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