Carry You by Beth Thomas
For anyone who has loved, lost or found it hard to let go, CARRY YOU will make you laugh, cry and celebrate your best friends. Perfect for fans of Marian Keyes and Jo Jo Moyes.
Daisy has lost her mum to breast cancer. She’s at rock bottom and doesn’t think she’ll ever get back up again. Her best friend Abi has other ideas – she tells it like it is and she’s determined to make Daisy remember the person she used to be.
What Daisy doesn’t know is that, thanks to Abi, her life is about to take an unexpected turn, when she signs them up to do a charity walk. Added to which, someone is about to burst into Daisy’s world in a riot of colour reminding her that life can be full of surprises
Lisa's Review - 3.5 out of 5 stars
I received a copy of Carry You to review from NetGalley
I was looking forward to reading this as I thought it was going to be a heart warming and heart wrenching story of having to move on after a terrible loss. Daisy lost her mum to breast cancer, and then her stepfather died shortly after. Since then Daisy's life has been a downward spiral. Step in Abi, Daisy's best friend, to take charge and help Daisy through her grief and out the other side, signing Daisy up to the Moonwalk, a walk round London at midnight in her bra to raise money for charity.
While I felt for Daisy and the awful things she had been through, I found myself struggling to sympathise with her the whole time, in places she actually irritated me and I found her quite selfish. I know everyone is allowed to be selfish at times but it niggled at me a little. She had a fab friend in the bossy and assertive but extremely caring friend Abi and I think she needed to be reminded of that sometimes. The constant Facebook updates, while funny sometimes, every now and then seemed to make no sense whatsoever and threw me a little.
It was nice to see Daisy eventually come to terms with her grief, and start to pick up, finding a job, and get her life back on track and although at times it was slow it was nice to see everything come together for Daisy. Throughout the whole book, it centres around Dasiy having to train to walk the 26 mile charity walk around London and how that training manages to help heal her, so I was excited to get towards the end of the book and see how she managed to get through it. Even the build up to them travelling to London was exciting, but I was then left disappointed that the whole walk was condensed into about 2 pages, just a couple of lines for a handful of the miles and then it was over! I was let down, such an anti climax to something that had been building up from the very start of the book! I was happy for Daisy and her ending but it left me feeling deflated even still!
Carry You was an enjoyable enough book to read, and I look forward to more from the author.
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