The consequence of unspoken secrets has left half-blood princess, Sophia Daletsky feeling alone and trapped. With Dante having turned his back on her and Kara slinking around with untold intentions Sophia turns to Tavian, Sarah and Rachel as she tries to adjust to her new powers and an unsure future as Protector of Maldera Springs. Things are never easy in the vampire world, as Sophia realizes as another part of her past catches up with her in this second installment of the Half-Blood Princess series
Claire's Review 5 of 5 Stars
After the way book 1 ended, I couldn't wait to sink my teeth into book two. Although I loved book one this one contained so much more drama. Again we are faced with the life of Sophia and the fab Beikov brothers, amongst many other great characters which pull the story together. I did find myself at some points feeling very frustrated with Sophia and Dante and their relationship and I felt heartbroken the way it ended in some ways. With another cliff hanger ending though it's on to book 3 :)
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