How Not To Be Startstruck by Portia Macintosh
Nicole Wilde’s life is one of sell-out gigs, bunking on tour buses, trashing hotels and partying with the band all night long. But she’s not in the band. She is a music journalist, paid to be the world’s greatest groupie– and she loves it!
Nicole has the party lifestyle – and the hangovers to prove it – but no one stops her in the supermarket on a bad hair day. Until she is papped in an incriminating position with recently married mega-star Dylan King of The Burnouts and the tabloids start hounding her. This isn’t so fun. Especially when her make-up is a mess and she hasn’t yet had a chance to clean her teeth.
Dylan accuses her of ruining his marriage. His handsome PR agent, Charles, calls her a tart. She has to take gorgeous Luke from Two For the Road to hospital after a drug incident. And she’s dropped her mobile phone in the bath! Too much celebrity lifestyle for one week? Time to slow down and take stock? Maybe for somebody else. But Nicole Wilde is going to come out fighting!
Lisa's Review - 4 out of 5 stars
Nicole Wilde's life is filled with interviewing bands, touring with bands, and sharing beds with band members! But Nicole has been doing this for years, and the band members are her best friends, so sharing a bed with them is perfectly innocent. But when her best friend and superstar Dylan gets married and has twins on the way, getting caught by a photographer when they are both steaming drunk turns her life around, and Nicole starts to realise that the fame that goes with it isn't as fun as she thought it would be.
I really didn't think I would like Nicole, that she would come across as some bitchy, 'these boys are mine keep your hands off' kind of girl, but actually I loved her! She showed that sometimes women and men CAN just be friends and you can be close but it doesn't mean sex is involved. I loved her carefree attitude and even though there were times when she was really naïve it made her more endearing.
I've never been much of a hard core groupie and never followed any bands around the country so I loved reading about Nicole and the bands. It was refreshing to read something a bit different and I really enjoyed it.
I rooted for Nicole all the way through. I'm not sure if I wanted her to find her Mr Right, or for her to get her 15 minutes of fame, or just to find the back stabber that caused everything to spiral out of control, but I do know that I wanted to get to the end of the book and see Nicole get what she wanted!
How Not To Be Starstruck is filled with an amazing array of characters, from band members, to bitchy co workers and money grabbing agents. Even the characters you love to hate were fabulous to read. The book was filled with entertainment from page one to the very end and I couldn't put it down.
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