Tuesday, 24 June 2014

Release Blast: Fierce Awakening by Kristy Centeno

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covergifTitle: Fierce Awakenings
Author: Kristy Centeno
Audience: Adult - Erotica
Genre: ex Paranormal Romance
Formats: E-book
Publisher: Limitless Publishing
Date Published: June 24, 2014



An oppressed werewolf princess…
In a world where the werewolf species is rapidly declining, breeding the strongest of the purebred bloodlines is of the utmost importance. But when Victoria Bonvalet is ordered by her alpha father to partake in this breeding program, she rebels by fleeing her home and the protection of the pack.
Though she has never fallen in love, Victoria refuses to mate with someone she doesn’t even know and commit her lifecycle to someone with defective genes, which could ultimately be passed down to her own children. Though she expects to be found eventually, she plans to hide and run until that happens. What she never expects is the attraction she would feel for a one thousand year old vampire lord with a thirst for adventure.
A vampire with nothing to lose…
Tristan Garland has traveled the world, fought in wars, and encountered many enemies over the years he has existed as a vampire, but even his experience as an undead could not have prepared him for the deep magnetism that lures him to his newest neighbor. Though she’s a werewolf, and by law his enemy, Tristan finds in Victoria the desire to continue existing in a world he’s come to loath over the years.
Enemies in the eyes of their own kind but hopelessly in love, Victoria and Tristan must find a way to be together without causing a war between bitter adversaries. But will their refusal to part ways provoke their kinds into a conflict unlike any they had seen before?



clip_image008As a child, she used to lose herself in an imaginary world by the means of a good book. Now that she’s all grown up, Kristy gets to create her own fictional realms and make them come to life in ways that most readers might not expect.
She’s always had a passion for writing but never had the opportunity do so until now. After trying out numerous options, she realized that writing was what she loved the most so when she found herself with some free time on her hands, she decided to pursue her passion. As it turned out, her very active imagination helped her achieve her goals of creating believable plots with some ordinary, and some not so ordinary characters that helped the stories move along in one way or another.
As she keeps moving along in achieving her dreams of becoming a published author, she divides her time in between her five children and her very understanding husband.


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A One-click Addict's Book Blog- http://aone-clickaddictsbookblog.blogspot.com/
Angee's After Thoughts - http://www.angeesafterthoughts.com
Blushing Divas Book Reviews - http://www.blushingdivasbookreviews.com
Book Butterfly in Dreamland - http://purpleshadowhunter.blogspot.com/
Books, Brownies and Barkers - http://booksnbrownies.com
Booky Ramblings of a Neurotic Mom - http://bookyramblingsofaneuroticmom.blogspot.co.uk/
Bound 2 Escape - http://www.bound2escape.com
Coffee Bokks & Art - http://sarityahalomi.blogspot.com/
Dalene's Book Reviews - http://dalenesbookreviews.blogspot.com
Diane’s Book Blog - http://dianes-book.blogspot.com
Fiction Dreams - http://www.fictiondreams.com
G & Co. Book Blog - http://ggwblogs.blogspot.com/
iHeart Books by MiLo18 - https://iHeartBooksbyMiLo18.blogspot.com
My Paranormal Book Review - http://myparanormalbookreview.blogspot.com/
Portals to new Worlds - http://authorkarenswart.blogspot.com
Sweet Treat Reading Reviews - http://strreviews.blogspot.com/

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