Striker By Michelle Betham
This summer, it’s time to play dirty…
Amber Sullivan is an ambitious, beautiful and feisty Sports reporter for a local TV news programme. With an ex-professional soccer player for a father, she’s grown up in and around the world of premiership football, and boy does she know better than to get mixed up with the men who play the game. As rich and charming as they are, Amber has a strict no player rule.
One of the biggest names in football, Ryan Fisher is young, hot, and talented. He has it all – looks, fame, money; not to mention women falling at his over-insured feet and a lifestyle he’s in no hurry to give up.
At the centre of a multi-million-pound transfer deal back to his home club, Ryan’s a big scoop for a local sports journalist and Amber can’t afford to miss this career-making opportunity – even if that means having to interview the cocky sports star.
But once the tape starts rolling it’s clear Ryan’s got more than just an exclusive on his mind… and he’s used to getting exactly what he wants.
Delving into the lives of those who live and work within the so-called Beautiful Game, ‘Striker’ is a story of sex, secrets and the true cost of fame.
Footballer’s Wives meets Jackie Collins in this sizzling scorcher of a summer read!
Lisa's Review - 2 out of 5 stars
When I came across this on NetGalley I was really looking forward to read it. Unfortunately I didn't get that far into the book before I started to regret reading it.
The first few chapters of Striker were okay, and I loved Ryan's cocky, attitude and thought Betham had managed to capture todays stereotypical young footballer well, and I liked Amber, too, a strong, independent woman, and when the two got together I was looking forward to it.
But very quickly it went down hill, with the introduction of Jim Allen. Then it turned into an extremely difficult book to read. It was like the two main characters that had started off so strong, crumbled and became weak, boring characters that also seemed to mentally abuse each other, too! Lying and cheating can create a good book to read, but in this case it just turned the book into a big mess, there was just too much cheating, too much lying and way too much of the extremely repetitive sex scenes!
Leading on to the sex scenes, at first they were quite hot and steamy, until a pattern started to form, and there was some serious over use of the same words that described each session, over and over again. And to top it off, I couldn't help but question just how quickly Amber was jumping from man to man, and all I could think was that she just seemed dirty, especially as there was never any mention of contraception along with it!
Another problem was that this was such a long book! There was so much to-ing and fro-ing it dragged it out for much longer than was needed, it could have been wrapped up half way through but instead there was more needy drama causing it to be a struggle to finish reading.
Striker had such potential to be a great read but it fell on its face pretty early on unfortunately.
Goodreads Michelle Betham
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