Cold Feet At Christmas by Debbie Johnson
Running out on your wedding shouldn’t be this much fun!
A remote Scottish castle on a snowy Christmas Eve. A handsome husband-to-be. A dress to die for. It should have been the happiest day of Leah Harvey’s life – but the fairytale wedding turns sour when she finds her fiancé halfway up the bridesmaid’s skirt just hours before the ceremony!
Fleeing the scene in a blizzard, Leah ends up stranded at the nearest cottage, where she collapses into the arms of its inhabitant – a man so handsome she thinks she must have died and gone to heaven!
And when Rob Cavelli suddenly finds himself with an armful of soaking wet, freezing cold, and absolutely gorgeous bride on the run, he’s more than happy to welcome her into his snowbound cottage this Christmas…
Lisa's Review - 5 out of 5 stars
Oh my gosh, I loved this little breath of fresh air! Cold Feet At Christmas is an adorable light read that is prefect for curling up with at Christmas time to sweep you away from all the stress and trauma that Christmas brings with it and takes you away to a world that may be slightly unlikely and Pretty Woman-esque, but you can't help but fall in love with it!
Leah has run out on her own wedding. And quite rightly so, after she caught her almost husband to be up to no good with her bridesmaid! But it is cold, and theres snow on the ground, and Leah is in the middle of nowhere in a beautiful wedding dress when her car breaks down. Braving the cold to head for the one light she sees on the horizon, she arrives on Robs doorstep, close to death. Rob takes her in and saves her life, and Leah has to stay until the snow thaws and they can leave. But spending a few days in each others company leads Rob to ask Leah a question that ultimately leads to some drastic life changes for the both of them.
I absolutely adored Cold Feet At Christmas, and I adored Leah, and Rob. They are beautifully written characters; real, flawed, and in need of happiness. The first few chapters of this book had me questioning how unrealistic the story was going to be and I thought maybe it was just too far fetched for me, but I grew to love the characters so much that I ended up being swept away in their stories.
I loved the fact that this could have been just one sweet, love story but instead there were hurdles to overcome and that both characters had their issues and found each other to fix things that needed to be fixed to ensure they both got their happy ending.
Cold Feet At Christmas was such a great book, one that I struggled to put down and was sad when it came to an end. I would have liked the ending to have been slightly longer, just so I could get more of Leah and Rob!
Goodreads Debbie Johnson
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