Get your summer off to a steamy start with Mandy Baggot and her sizzling new read, Truly Madly Greekly.
We've got an all inclusive tour chock-a-block with reviews, guest posts and a giveaway, as the book scorches a trail across a variety of blogs!
Starting out as a writer – 5 things you should know and do
Guest post by Mandy Baggot
1. You know everyone says they have a book in them. But do you know how many writers are actually active and out there? There are millions, yes millions, of writers creating stories every single day. Choosing writing as profession isn’t easy. There is a lot of competition and if you want to go down the traditional route be prepared for knock backs. There are millions of others all carrying the same dream.
2. Be yourself. Read widely but don’t copy style. Find your uniqueness. Do you enjoy writing descriptive passages? Are you a King or Queen of dialogue? You need to write what comes from your heart otherwise it won’t bond together properly. A passionate voice is key.
3. Ask for help and advice. We all become better writers by accepting critiques from peers. Join a reader/writer community and test drive your manuscript. Ask for honest opinions because in the long run these will help you most.
4. Unless you are a bit of a phenomenon you aren’t going to hit the Amazon bestseller charts at the first attempt or even the second or you see where I’m going with this? Be prepared for lots and lots of hard work not just on polishing your novel but on letting people know it’s there. Embrace social media, work hard and it will pay off but don’t expect to be at E L James status overnight.
5. Keep writing and never lost heart. It’s your novel, they are your characters and you are the best person to write their story. There will be dashed hopes and lots of ‘almost’ moments. Suck in every one of them and remember the feeling. When you get that contract or when copies start flying off the virtual shelves it will all be worthwhile. A real writer will always write regardless of commercial success. Sometimes we all get too wrapped up in this. Don’t forget to enjoy the story – that’s how we all got started!
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WIN a £50 Amazon voucher with Truly Madly Greekly and let Mandy Baggot see where you've escaped to this summer.
To take part just upload your photo of the cover of Truly Madly Greekly (paperback or e-reader) on Twitter or Facebook adding #TrulyMadlyGreekly. Whether you've escaped to a tropical haven with the kids or even your own backyard, Mandy would love to see where you're reading about Ellen and Yan this summer!
PLUS leave a comment on this post and you could be in with a chance of winning a Kindle copy of Excess All Areas!
Giveaway terms and conditions:
Competition runs from 22 May 2015 until 31 August 2015, UK based entries only. One winner will be chosen at random from all the entries. Mandy Baggot and CandleLit Author Services reserve the right to amend and/or cancel the giveaway at any time, without prior notification. Booky Ramblings is not responsible for the picking of winners or the sending of prizes.
Thank you so much for hosting me on the Truly Madly Greekly tour ladies! I hope my tips are helpful!
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