Wednesday 26 August 2015

Author interview: Rene Folsom

In the interview seat today is the lovely Rene Folsom. Rene is an author of paranormal romance and erotica, lives in Florida with her husband and three kids. Rene believes that all fiction is based on some form of reality--otherwise we would never have the inspiration or knowledge to dream up the realistic situations we portray with our words. She is proud to say that her personal experiences have been inspirational, though perhaps not always identical to that of her fictional characters. Where reality and fantasy diverge, however, must remain her little secret...
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Hello Rene and welcome to Booky Ramblings of a Neurotic Mom
Was there anything in particular that inspired you to start your journey of being an author?
My love of reading really sparked my interest in writing. One day, an idea popped into my head, and the next thing I knew, I had 16,000 words written without so much as getting up from the computer to eat or sleep. That was the beginning of Shuttered Affections. Now there’s no turning back. LOL

What would you say is the hardest part of writing/publishing a book for you?
Coming up with the perfect ending is definitely the most challenging part of writing. The ending of a book or series is so important, especially if you want to leave your reader satisfied and moved by your story. You want to leave an impression on their soul, and the only way you can do that is by coming up with a memorable ending. When it comes to publishing, marketing and promotion has got to be singlehandedly the most difficult thing I have ever had the displeasure of doing. It is so incredibly hard to continuously push to get my name out there day in and day out. In the end, hard work pays off, but it is by no means easy or quick. It takes just as much time to market myself as it does to write the books.

If you could only read four books for the rest of your life, what would they be?
That’s definitely a hard one to answer. There are so many great books out there. The Twilight Saga is the first thing that popped into my head. Those are books I could read over and over again and never get tired of. Anything by Laura Kaye – preferably her Hard Ink or Hero series. Kim Harrison’s Hallows series was darn good. You can’t make me just choose four!

Do you and your main character share any personality traits?
Since I have several main characters, I’d have to say they all share some minor personality traits to myself, though they differ greatly.
* Julia from the Cornerstone Series is a bit like me when it comes to her initial weaknesses and her ability to grow as a person. She has a knack for learning from her mistakes and taking life one step at a time rather than trying to deal with all the burdens on her own.
* Maci from the Playing Games Series is a bit more headstrong – taking no shit from the man in her life and making sure he’s well aware of where she stands and her own priorities. She is her own individual and she’s not afraid to show her true colors to him, even if it means it might put a wedge in their relationship.
* Ella from the Soul Seers Series is a bit on the shy side, only able to explore worlds of the unknown in her subconscious… or what she thinks is her subconscious. Since she’s so much younger, she has a natural tendency to keep to herself, only forced out of her shell when situations become too complicated for her to hide from them anymore.
-- All these characters have little bits and pieces of me in some way (spastic as it may sound). LOL

If you could live in any book, what book would it be?
One of mine? Or one of ANY book?
If it’s one of mine, it would have to be Soul Seers. The places Ella and Jonah visit are simply breathtaking and I’d love nothing more than to set up camp in there for a while. Though the latest book in the Playing Games series, The Break, might give it a run for its money considering the places Maci and Liam visit on their vacation.
If we’re talking about ANY book out there… Shoot. That, again, is another super hard question to answer. I recently read Love, Chocolate, and Beer by Violet Duke, and I have to say, I’d really like to live in that book for a bit. Who wouldn’t like to lose themselves in a delicious chocolate stout for a bit?

Where do your ideas for your books come from? Dreams? Music? 
Usually, fiction is based on some form of reality. Often times, if I’m passionate about something, it will come out in my writing. It's come to my attention that too many authors fall back on the safe character build because they have been told time and time again that a dominant, alpha-male is what women want. So, I took a step back and thought about the things I like in a man. While my husband may be a sports-loving beast of muscle, I decided to put aside his appearance and think of his other qualities. In steps Liam. Instead of sports, Liam loves games, and I know for a fact there are a lot of female gamers out there who would love to get their hands on a Liam. ;)

Any advice for aspiring authors?
While self-publishing might not be the easy way to go, it’s definitely the best way to go. Embrace the freedom and never give up. Save your money to hire a reputable editor and cover designer. Make contacts, find beta readers, and promote the crap out of yourself. Above all else, keep writing! Volume equals sales. I’m always willing to help anyone who needs advice. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to me through my website or email.

Game Changer

Maci strives for one thing in life—anonymity. With her writing career in full bloom, all she wants is to work in peace while concealing her true identity from the public. Though readers love the science fiction worlds she creates, Maci knows that gender stereotypes could damage her career if she is exposed as a woman.

Liam is the envy of all gamers as the lead developer for nZone Studios. Over time, he builds walls around himself, keeping people at arm’s length who only gravitate to him for his material possessions rather than who he is as a person.

With thick barriers around their hearts and their past looming in the shadows, Liam and Maci challenge each other by slowly peeling away their protective layers and seeing each other for who they really are. It doesn’t take long after their chance meeting at a coffee shop for them to become one another’s game changer.

Note: If a strong, quirky heroine makes you roll your eyes, If you hate sexy heroes who would rather lose a game than the woman of their dreams, if fast-moving relationships and hot sex aren’t your thing, if you can’t stand when humor is used to cover up life’s awkward moments, if cliffhangers anger you beyond comprehension… this series is not your cup of tea. This contemporary romance novel is the first book in the Playing Games series and contains adult situations meant for ages 18+
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