Mandy is a member of the Romantic Novelists' Association and the Society of Authors and lives near Salisbury, Wiltshire, UK with her husband, two daughters and cats, Kravitz and Springsteen.

what do you think, so far? Is it the place? For my wedding?’ Lacey
asked. She dragged her body into a sitting position.
a beautiful spot. The mountains of Albania just across the water, the
sea, the sand … not forgetting the water platform.’ She levelled
a smile at her sister.
pretty special,’ Lacey agreed, nodding.
no matter how special the place, it has to be right. You and Mark
have to be right.’ Ellen faltered on the last part of the sentence.
This was so hard. How could she understand how Lacey was feeling? And
what qualifications did she have for guiding her? Years trying to be
the mother she really wasn’t. That was it. Nothing else. It was
feels like we’ve been engaged forever,’ Lacey admitted.
feels like we’ve been planning the wedding forever.’
sighed. ‘I need to be sure that when the cake’s been cut and
eaten … when the doves have been released and all the goody bags
have been given out … when the disco’s playing “Run” by Leona
Lewis … I need to be sure it
still feels special.’
We have volleyball in five minutes over on the sand court!’
voice had broken into the conversation, booming the next part of the
animation program through the microphone.
if you need the thought of a big wedding … if organising the party
of your life is the only thing making your relationship special, then
…’ Ellen started.
isn’t … I don’t think. I’m just not sure how to be sure.’
Lacey stopped talking and put a smile on her face at the sight of
Sergei striding towards them.
are you smiling at him like that?’
a drunk celebrity on Alan
Carr: Chatty Man.’
your drink. Good morning,’ Lacey purred as Sergei arrived next to
morning. How are you?’ Sergei’s eyes were fixed firmly on Lacey’s
bikini top, his dark hair perfectly gelled back, sunglasses on his
the better for seeing you looking so energetic and ready for action.’
stand too close, Sergei. She’s been vomiting since seven.’ Ellen
put her empty cocktail cup down.
have too much last night?’ he inquired.
much what?’ Lacey batted her eyelids.
Just tell us what you’d like us to sign up for before I
being sick.’
In five minutes.’
a couple of minutes her sister’s mascara would be running down her
face and her hair would resemble Seal in his dreadlock phase. Surely
that would make her less attractive to Sergei.
won’t. I can’t. I don’t know how to,’ Lacey protested.
teach you,’ Sergei assured.
That’s you occupied. I’m going to see if they have space left on
the coach trip.’ Ellen got up from the lounger.
coach trip?’ Lacey asked.
was on the board outside the restaurant.’ She began to gather her
things up together. ‘Some place beginning with “S”. I’m not
sure. I don’t care. It looked nice and it isn’t volleyball,’
Ellen stated.
we’ve only just sat down,’ Lacey protested.
until you’re ready to make decisions one way or the other about
this wedding I’ll be in the place beginning with “S”.’
what am I going to do?’
don’t know. Just try not to get pregnant.’
Buy Truly Madly Greekly on Amazon
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