Friday, 30 October 2015

Review: The Darkness Within Him by Alice Raine

The Darkness Within Him (Untwisted, #1)If you enjoyed Fifty Shades of Grey and Bared to You, you will love the new ‘Untwisted’ series, which follows the highly addictive relationship between devilishly dark Nicholas Jackson and Rebecca Langley
A dizzying, all-consuming affair with famous pianist Nicholas Jackson draws in timid bookshop owner Rebecca and engulfs her with his passion and dominance, then spits her out heartbroken and bruised.
Now, Rebecca is left trying to move on from the relationship she shared with Nicholas, but just as she starts to clear her head, he reappears in her life determined to win her back.
But seeing as Nicholas has already shown once that the darkness within him is lurking just below the surface, can Rebecca really take that risk again with her heart and body?

Shona's review 3 of 5 stars

This was a difficult one for me... It was a little slow to get into at the beginning, but I think that was mostly how the story was laid out, there was an awful lot of 'telling' going on in the beginning and I found it less than interesting. The actual scenes between Nicholas and Rebecca were interesting, but I felt like the book didn't really come into itself until the here and now took centre stage. Given that there was only 3 weeks between the night that kick starts the book and Nicholas coming back into her life. I felt it would have worked better if the book had just started at the beginning of their story rather than the middle of it.

On the whole I didn't like Nicholas, and that was before he beat her with a cane... I get that he has daddy issues (easy to work out form the very beginning of the book) but in the second half of the book once he opened up to Rebecca about his child hood it seemed to suddenly become a HUGE issue with him and he was suddenly very possessive and over the top... although he had shown some of those traits earlier in the book once he came clean about his past everything seemed over exaggerated.

The sex scenes were good, not overly repetitive. And to be honest was the only thing that kept me reading this book.

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