Friday, 18 December 2015

Book recommendations

The following book recommendations come from us reviewers and our likers on Facebook
Every month we will be asking for new recommendations so keep an eye out for the photo below on our Facebook page Booky Ramblings, it could be your recommended book we feature next month
Shona recommends
Life's Defeat by Rebekah Raymond
"It was so beautifully written, so descriptive, that even the more gruesome of scenes seems almost beautiful."

Kerry recommends
Ten Tiny Breaths by K.A Tucker
"Because it's such an emotional book with plenty of twists to keep you reading and wondering what's happening. Seeing the characters heal is also another reason I like it so much. Brilliant book and a brilliant series.

Ikira recommends 
The Chroincles of the Three: Bloodlines by Tabitha Caplinger
"Anyone who loves Buffy will likely find a liking for this too"

Lisa recommends
Confessions of a Chalet Girl by Lorraine Wilson
"It was such a good book I read it in a couple of hours as I couldn't put it down."

Claire recommends
Crow Mountain by Lucy Inglis
"This book is amazingly well written, and sucks you in so much!"

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