Wednesday, 30 March 2016

Review: Cold Shadows by JL Bryan

Cold Shadows (Ellie Jordan, Ghost Trapper #2)
Footsteps in the attic. Toys that play by themselves. A dark presence in an upstairs room.
Paranormal investigator Ellie Jordan faces a difficult new case. Her new clients are a family haunted by multiple ghosts and a poltergeist that wrecks their home at night. Their seven-year-old son’s invisible friends may not be imaginary at all, but the restless spirits of dead children.

To clear her clients’ house of the dangerous entities, Ellie must unravel the mysterious deaths of another family who lived in the old mansion more than a hundred and sixty years ago—and she must do it before the ghosts can carry out their malevolent designs on her clients and their children.

Clare's Review 5 of 5 stars

After the first Ellie novel I couldn't wait to get my hands on this one, and I'm very pleased to say it didn't disappoint!

This is the second in the series and follows the story of Ellie, who along with her sweet assistant Stacey and Jacob the physic hunts down ghosts who are terrorising the living. This novel begins with a similar theme to the last one, there's a ghost and it needs removing, initially it seems fairly simple but a quick walk around the house proves this is not the case. As the storyline progress it gets darker and more twisted, children are at risk and nothing is as it seems.

Again the characters worked well together and each of their individual personalities really began to shine through. There were parts of the story where you could really see Ellie growing as a person. The developments between Stacey and Jacob were particularly enjoyable to read, I am curious to see what happens next with these two!

The ending worked really well and left lots of room for more stories, which I cannot wait to read!!

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