Friday 8 April 2016

Book Recommendations

The following recommendations are based on our favourite books from this last month. Books that we have read and would recommend.

Shona's Recommendation
Me Before You by Jojo Moyes
Shona recommends this book because, an hour after finishing the book and I can still feel the tension behind my eyes that reminds me of the ugly crying I did whilst reading this book. Not just because it was painfully sad, but because it was painfully beautiful too.

Claire's Recommendation
The Matchmaker's Playbook by Rachel Van Dyken
Claire recommends this book because,
The last few weeks I have been in a bit of a book funk and nothing I read could pull me out of it, and I wasnt managing to read more than a few pages at a time. That was until I decided to make a start on The Matchmakers Playbook. This is the first book from Rachel Van Dyken that I have read, but the synopsis intrigued me. I devoured this book in 2 days! it would have been less if I hadnt have needed to sleep! I absolutely loved every minute of it!'

Ikira's Recommendation
Dear Dad by Giselle Green
Ikira recommends this book because, it is a heart warming story and an easy read.

Kerry's Recommendation
A Game Of Thrones by George R.R Martin
Kerry recommends this book because she could not put it down. I know I am late to the game reading the books after I have watched all the TV seasons but wow, I really didn't think I would like the books it's not the sort of books I would ever choose for myself but I am glad I did. Just the little added bits of info that is left out of the show is enough to keep me going, I can't wait to read the next one.

Lisa Recommends 
The Second Chance Shoe Shop by Marcie Steel
Lisa recommends this book as I loved it, it was such an easy read that it managed to get me out of my book slump and I couldn't put it down. The characters were so easy to relate to and it was a really enjoyable book.

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