Wednesday, 31 May 2017

Review: Summer at the Little Wedding Shop: Bunting and Bouquets by Jane Linfoot

Summer at the Little Wedding Shop: Bunting and Bouquets
When the owner of Brides by the Sea, Cornwall’s cutest little wedding shop, offers Lily a job as their new wedding stylist, her first thought is – can she possibly pull it off?

Before she’s even sourced a fairy light or tasted a cupcake, Kip Penryn hires her services – but he’s opened an exclusive wedding venue in direct competition to her friend Poppy!

Lily feels like a traitor working for Kip, only everyone knows Penryn men are gorgeous but unreliable. All she has to do is sit back and watch him mess it up…doesn’t she?

Love is in the Cornish sea breeze this summer as the girls tackle their busiest wedding season yet. There’s plenty of bunting, bubbly and baking – but who is going to catch the bouquet?

Shona's review 5 of 5 stars

This is the third book in Linfoots Little Wedding Shop by the Sea series, while the books are standalones if read out of sequence they will contain spoilers for the other books. 

I loved Lily, she was rather broken when she arrived back in St Aidan for her friends wedding on Valentines day. But she is the kind of strong we all aim to be. She picks herself up and builds herself a brand new business and a whole new life... with a gentle push from Jess. 

I will hold my hands up and say my opinion of Kip Penryn was based solely on the actions of his brother Quinn in Sequins and Snowflakes, that and a teensy little bit of Lily's opinion of him form the beginning of this book. But I quickly realised that he is nothing like his brother, he may appear to be a little work shy and play happy in the beginning but he really digs in and makes his business work. And slowly he works his way in to your affections.

For the first time in my reviewing history I'm going to give a tiny spoiler in my review so stop reading now if you don't want to know.. My most favourite part of this book was with Immie trying on her wedding dress. I'm not ashamed to admit that I blubbed more than a little bit.

My reviews for the previous books in the series can be found here Cupcakes and Confetti  and Sequins and Snowflakes.

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