Ikira's Review: 1 out of 5 stars
The write up on this book appeared to have massive potential. The snippets on the cover suggested this would be a five star read and having received it as a gift for my birthday, I couldn't wait to get started!
Sadly, I found it a very difficult read. The format in the first few chapters was broken and flitty at best. I could read only a couple of pages at a time and was entirely disconnected from it. I found it exceptionally hard work and it nearly made it to the DNF pile but I soldiered on, desperately wanting to engage with the characters and story. There was such a pull from the blurb that I hoped it would get better. It didn't.
Claire's character frustrated me immensely. She seemed selfish and irresponsible most of the time and down-right ridiculous at others. I initially thought she'd have a bright-spark moment and find her way, that she'd realise the wrongs she'd done, make apologies, find her way and have a happily ever after but alas I was wrong. I had soldiered through, taking weeks to read what should have taken days and the ending had me asking 'seriously?' actually out loud, to thin air. I did that comical thing you imagine other people doing, repeatedly turning the pages back and forth, checking for more, for where the story actually concluded.
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