On London's Hamstead Heath, two firls meet by chance: well-mannered and smartly dressed Verity and dishevelled and grubby Ruby. Yet this mismatched pair form and instant friendship strong enough to survive their parents' disapproval.
Ikiras Review: 5 out of 5 stars
Let me start by being honest; I LOVE Lesley Pearse's writing. From the very first of her stories I read over a decade ago, right up to the more recent ones. I've read so many I've lost count and there isn't a single one of her books I haven't adored!
Whilst that might sound biased, I would like to hope it isn't so. Lesley is a best selling author and has remained so for many years and that must be for a reason! Her stories; whilst all different, do follow a similar narative. Usually, the main character is female and more often than not, they face hardships in their lives which they have to overcome - one way or another.
This story is slightly different in that there are two main leads - both are female. Between the two World Wars, these young girls meet randomly and both know their respective parents wouldn't understand their friendship because of their very different backgrounds but that doesn't stop them. The friendship seems meant to be as they immediately hit it off and become close.
Time and some quite tragic circumstances see the friends separated by distance first and then emotionally, too. Will they find their way back to each other? You'll need to read it to find out but rest assured, if you choose to take the plunge, you will take a journey with the girls. You'll definitely laugh, likely cry and without a shafow of a doubt, you will be on a rollercoaster with your emotions entwined with those of the characters.
Whether you pay full price for the hardback or get it cheap in a deal, it will be worth every single penny...and then some!
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