Book synopsis
Sydney, a street urchin and pickpocket in the town of Last Hope, has managed to evade the oppressive Guild for years, but there is no escaping fate when she's sentenced to death for associating with the resistance.
After she's rescued by a wizard, Sydney is forced to accept that magic-long outlawed throughout the Kingdom of Thanumor-still exists, and the Tuatha, a powerful faery folk, are much more than ancient myth and legend. When the wizard offers a chance to fight the Guild and bring Willem, bastard prince and champion of the Tuatha, to the throne, Sydney embraces the cause as a way to find her own redemption.
But Sydney's fear of the Guild, distrust of authority, and surprising connection to the Tuatha threaten Willem's success. Can she untangle the strange threads that entwine her life not only to the fate of the kingdom, but also to Willem himself?
Welcome to Booky Ramblings, thank you for joining us today.
What was the first book you remember reading as a child/teen/adult?
It’s a toss up between Charlotte’s Web and the Little House on the Prairie series. They were huge favorites of mine.
What do you listen to whilst writing?
It depends on the mood of a particular scene. I like movie soundtracks, the Lord of the Rings soundtrack in particular, because there’s such a variety of music. I also listen to a lot of Mediaeval Baebes and other celtic music. I love bagpipes. Or if it’s an intense scene I might listen to harder stuff, like Metallica or Godsmack. Lately I’ve been listening to a lot of Mumford and Sons. I love their lyrics.
Do you think your writing style is affected by the type of music/background noise you listen to?
See above. I try to pick music that fits with the type of scene I’m trying to write.
If you could master any other art form what would it be?
I wish I could draw. Sadly my artistic skills are lacking in that area.
Do you have any superstitions when writing?
I can’t write ahead. I have to write linearly. I don’t use an outline, so the story just evolves as I’m writing. Even if a scene later on in the story pops into my head, I won’t write it down until I actually get to that part.
Do you read all your reviews? How do you react to a negative review?
I do read them. The good ones are a great ego boost. The negative ones… Wine helps sometimes. LOL I just have to remind myself that not everyone is going to like my book. People have different tastes and interests. You have to have a thick skin as an author and just move on and keep writing.
What snacks/drinks do you keep on hand when writing?
No snacks, just water or tea. I’m a tea fanatic.
What advice would you give to aspiring authors?
Write because you love it. It’s a tough business and you have to be willing to work hard and not give up. Read as much as you can because that’s how you learn, and get a good critique group or critique partner who will give you brutally honest feedback.
Have you always wanted to be an author?
Yes. I wrote my first (really bad) novel when I was 10 and I’ve been writing ever since. I think I’ve improved quite a bit since then, though.
If you have enough time I would love for you to answer some of our random questions.
What song do you sing at the top of your voice every time you hear it?
“Closer to Fine” by the Indigo Girls
What’s your go-to movie?
Star Wars (the original trilogy only)
What book are you currently reading?
I just finished Wizard and Glass by Stephen King (book 4 of the Dark Tower series) and I’m about to start Storm of Swords by GRR Martin.
Where did you last go on holiday?
Ha, with two working parents and a five year old, holidays are few and far between. Last fall we went to visit my parents in Ohio. Not where I’d most like to go on vacation, but we didn’t have to work!
If someone wrote a biography about you, what do you think it would be called?
The Quiet One with Characters in Her Head
What’s in your fridge right now?
Too much. Lots of fruit, yogurt, milk, juice, some veggies, and a few leftovers.
Whats your favourite take away food?
Bio and links:
Cindy Young-Turner has been writing for most of her life. At age twelve, she won her first writing contest, a local contest in her small hometown in Massachusetts calling for stories written in the style of Edgar Allan Poe. Thus began her love of stories that are dark and fantastical. She believes genre fiction can be just as well written and valuable as literature. The universal themes of love, hate, revenge, and redemption are present regardless of whether characters live in the distant future, on other planets, or in fantastical realms. Her published works include the fantasy novel, Thief of Hope, and a short prequel, Journey to Hope.
Website: http://www.cindyyoungturner.com
Thanks for having me!