Book Synopsis:
My honeymoon was almost everything I dreamed it would be, a tropical paradise, turquoise water, romantic walks on the beach, and loads and loads of mind shattering sex. The only thing missing was the groom.
After seven years of coasting through a relationship with Michael, my senses were numb. A week of passion with a stranger was just what I needed to clear my head and take back control of my life. But how do you move on when the man who was only supposed to be a fling somehow seeps into your soul and steals your heart?
Shona's review 4 of 5 stars
Let me start by saying this was a comfortable read, I actually read most of the book in one sitting, if I had started reading slightly earlier in the day I wouldn't have needed to stop for a sleep break. Pesky sleeping habits. The story unfolded at a nice pace, not too fast but at the same time we weren't bogged down with lots of back story either.
On the surface I enjoyed Syd and Jacks interactions, their holiday fling was steamy and I'm sure it's what a lot of single people fantasize about when they go on holiday. I enjoyed the '10 questions' aspect of the relationship they used so that they would still remain strangers but could get to know each other a little. But from the very beginning I wasn't completely taken by Jack, he was always a little too domineering, possessive and aggressive for someone who was involved in a holiday fling. And if I'm honest I was more than a little pissed at Syd for allowing him to be like this.. especially after he shut her out after an awkward conversation. And even more so when they first meet up again after the holiday.
This actually became a big thing for me whilst reading, I wanted to relax into the relationship and be swept along with Syd's feelings but at every turn I had Jack acting like a huge ass every time a guy so much as looked at Syd. This is the only reason I have rated this 4 stars instead of 5. I know for some this über Alpha male routine is a huge turn on but for me its definite turn off.

Book Synopsis:
Jack and Syd spent a week in paradise. It was only supposed to be a fling. But life can be funny sometimes, and circumstances brought them back together again. Together they seemed to have found their happy ever after. But when Sydney is offered a chance at the career she has always wanted, she must leave Jack behind to follow her dreams. Can their love survive long distance? Sydney’s touring with a man every woman wants, but he only has eyes for Syd. And an unexpected tragedy leaves Jack feeling remorseful. Can the two find a way through to forever?
Shona's review 4 of 5 stars
I must be honest and admit that I read another book between Belong to you and Made for you, Jack struck me as such an ass that i needed a little break from him. Once I got started on this it was easy to slip back into Syd's head, which shows how well Keeland has written her characters. Jack is still an ass, but I found myself liking him more in this book, despite the fact that he isn't actually there for a lot of it. He is still possessive, but for the majority of the book his 'possessiveness' comes across as caring, concerned and protective. Which I do find to be endearing qualities..
Syd is rather inexperienced in the bedroom department of their relationship, something that wasn't always evident during their sexploits in the first book, but in this instalment we get to see a little of her insecurities at her lack of sexual experience, especially considering Jacks business and sexual history. The sex scenes in this book are just as steamy as the first.. some of the scenes more so than others.... but I refuse to tell which ones ;-)
This was a 'easy to sink into, difficult to step away from' read, luckily my kids were entertaining each other so didn't require help from me giving me plenty of reading time.
Follower links:
Twitter: https://twitter.com/vikeeland
Website: http://www.vikeeland.com/
Purchase links:
Belong to you http://amzn.to/126q238
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