Wednesday 16 December 2015

Author Interview: Rebekah Raymond

In the interview seat is the lovely Rebekah Raymond, Rebekah lives in Calgary, AB Canada. She is is a wife to her once High School sweetheart and mother of a young daughter and son. She is a strong advocate of literacy and literature exposed to all from very young ages.

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Hello Rebekah and Welcome to Booky Ramblings of a Neurotic Mom
Was there anything particular that inspired you to start your journey of being an author?
I have been writing as long as I can remember, but I really thought of becoming an author seriously when a friend passed away unexpectedly. it made me revisit my bucket list, and take a long look at what I was leaving behind for my children. Even then, my goal was only to see if my writing was good enough. But when I won a contest from a small publisher I went for it, really getting my work out there and starting the journey of contacting editors, finding a cover designer, etc.

What would you say is the hardest part of writing/publishing a book for you?
Each part of the process seemed so difficult at the time. Until I finished the writing and realized it had flowed out fairly easily, until I ended the editing and sent it off to my editor, amazed how quickly it went. The editing process had its trials, especially when we discovered a plot flaw that resulted in the rewriting of much of the beginning of the novel. I would have to say the hardest part is actually the waiting game at the end. Waiting for the reviews to come in I mean. It is difficult, especially when you know x amount of people have read your work, to wait and see how many of them actually post a review and what they say. Considering they are sort of the bread and butter for new indie authors, giving others a reason to read their book, the waiting can be hell.

If you could only read four books for the rest of your life, what would they be?
Cider House Rules
Kushiels Dart
Little Women

Do you and your main character share any personality traits?
I am sure that I could make some connections if I tried hard enough. I could say that like my main character I am a tough cookie, that I could survive anything life throws at me, like she does. But considering she is trained as a solider in a dystopian world, tortured, and killed many many times only to come back again and again, I think i would be insane to make that relation. But, like her, I do retreat into myself when I am hurt or contemplative. It is one of my weakest traits, and one that my husband especially hates, my "bottling things up."

If you could live in any book what book would it be?
That is a really hard one. I would have to say T.E. Ridener's "180 days". I could easily say any book that takes place in the current day, but in her book there is a general feel of acceptance by many of the characters. Race and orientation and choice of how one wants to live their life is all worked into a positive message of journeying to the point where they are happy with who they have become and who they could be. That is definitely a world I aspire to see.

Where do your ideas for your books come from? Dreams? Music?
Sometimes my ideas do come from dreams, and music definitely inspires the tone of my writing and therefore directs the way I am writing certain passages. However I do mostly automatic writing, so the characters sort of write themselves. It is almost like I am stuck in an interview with them - they are relating their lives to me while I type their words out and occasionally they show me scenes, as though I am trapped in a movie of their lives.

Any advice for aspiring authors?
Be realistic. Writing, like anything, is a talent that needs to be worked on over time. Not everyone is good at it. Some, even after working very hard, may not have the talent to continue as authors. That's alright. I know that may seem smug, but it's true. Not everyone can be good at everything. And if you do have what it takes, the first time you pick up a pen and paper every word will not be gold. It can't be.

Not everyone will like your writing. Some will hate your characters, your genre, your title, your relationships. That's ok. Your books may be amazing but take a long time to pick up. Be ready to accept that some readers/bloggers/authors/columnists may tear you and your work apart.

So, keep breathing, and if this is really what you want to do, then decide what type of author you want to be, and go for it.

Life's Defeat

Tragedy places the soldier in StPatrick’s complex, determination to be someone of use keeps her within its walls. When she finally takes her first breaths of freedom, the soldier is sucked back into military servitude, her long, violent capture and imprisonment by Rochester setting her path of physical and psychological terror.
Under his rule she learns the depth of her own depravity, and how far she can go before she threatens to lose herself. But when Tomlin and his team rescues her, she discovers a new threat in the life she chooses to lead.
As the pages of her genetically-altered history are revealed, the solider finds the key to achieving her new goal: revenge.
It’s unfortunate it might just kill her in the end.

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